ZORBA offers elegant ways to export the results of the calculations. The first Tab allows the user to define the characteristics of the porous absorbent (thickness, flow resistivity.), and the other Tabs correspond to different types of facings. The model is built by choosing different Tabs.
This leads to a user friendly interface that allows a quick modelling of the absorbent system and easy access to the results, plus some additional features to import, compare and export data.
Very careful attention has been taken during the developement of the software to answer the needs of acoustics professionals. Conversion of the specific impedance into the absorption coefficients, for normal and random incidence, and calculation of the transmission loss.Įvery step of the calculation has been the object of an independent study of the scientific literature.Calculation of the specific impedance of the system.Determination of the specific impedance and propagation coefficient of the porous materials.The calculation of the absorption coefficient is made in several steps that are described below: